
For the most up to date information about tuition and fees please visit the VCU tuition calculator. Be sure to select "Graduate Doctoral - Nurse Anesthesia Entry to Practice" program.

Estimated additional expenses, effective for the cohort entering January 2022:

1st Year Estimated Expenses

Item to Purchase Estimated Cost Due date (if applicable)
Textbooks (full program) $2,000.00  
APEX $590.00 *do not purchase until directed in order to receive the group rate*
AANA Associate membership dues $300.00 January orientation
Precordial stethoscope earpiece/tubing/bell $45.00 - $75.00 August on-campus session
Branded Scrub Sets $100.00 August on-campus session
Precordial stethoscope earpiece/tubing/bell (optional) $50.00 - $75.00 August on-campus session

2nd Year Estimated Expenses

Item to Purchase Estimated cost Due date (if applicable)
Semester Parking (Richmond Only) (Student use dependent) $200.00 - $300.00 Per semester, starting in 3rd semester.
Self Evaluation Exam $285.00 June 1

3rd Year Estimated Expenses

Item to Purchase Estimated Cost Due date (if applicable)
Semester Parking (Richmond Only) (Student use dependent) $200.00 - $300.00 Per semester, starting in 3rd semester
Self Evaluation Exam $285.00 January 31
AHA Triple Certification $575.00  
National Certification Exam $1,125.00 October
ACLS/PALS $300.00 Completed prior to graduation

For more information on financial aid, please contact the VCU Financial Aid Office:

Harris Hall
1015 Floyd Ave., 1st Floor
P.O. Box 843026
Richmond, VA 23284
Phone: (804) 828-6669